Food support over the holiday period

If you or someone you know finds yourself on your own or struggling with providing a meal this Christmas Day, do check out these brilliant free or low-cost shared meals hosted by generous food...

Our blog

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A little more conversation

A little more conversation

Our Food Conversations for the Food Farming and Countryside Commission programme Last month we held four 'Food Conversation' workshops as part of the Arun & Chichester Good Food Fortnight, giving residents a voice in what is important to them about food and what...

Reflections on our first Good Food Fortnight

Reflections on our first Good Food Fortnight

Wow, what a few months we have had! The process of applying for our Bronze award with Sustainable Food Places caused us to reflect on past achievements and future plans, and out of this sprung the idea - a fortnight of food-related activity across local businesses and...

A refocus on food justice

A refocus on food justice

On 20th February we hosted a Food Justice workshop led by food campaign organisation This is Rubbish, which educates and campaigns for systemic change regarding food waste and food insecurity. They believe that people living and working on the frontlines of these...

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