Arun and Chichester Food Partnership

The Arun and Chichester Food Partnership brings together community sector organisations, local authority representatives, charities and the local food industry working together to make good food accessible to all.

About our work

The Arun and Chichester Food Partnership is a collaborative network of cross sector partners in the local food system working to make good food accessible to all throughout Arun and Chichester.

Our vision for Arun and Chichester is for no one to go hungry and for everyone to have access to enough good quality food. We want to help people to grow, share and learn together to create skilled, fulfilled and nourished communities, with a real commitment to reduce the environmental impact of food production, procurement, consumption and waste.

Some of the ways we do this include:

  • Developing a good food strategy for Arun and Chichester
  • Creating community food networks to bring together local food and support services and create local responses to local needs
  • Supporting and establishing community food growing initiatives
  • Producing information and tools

We are proud to be a member of Sustainable Food Places and Feeding Britain.

Good Food Charter

Find out more about our Good Food Charter and what you can do to help as a community member, organisation or business.

Simple things you can do as a community member
  • Get involved in your local community food project. If there isn’t one in your area, talk to us today about what you would like to see
  • Eat more plant-based food and less or better meat and dairy
  • Buy only what you need and waste less
  • Cook together and for each other
  • Sign up to our newsletter to hear about what is going on across Arun and Chichester
Organisations and businesses

Can commit to:

  • Reviewing their supply chains and purchasing from local, sustainable suppliers wherever possible
  • Paying a fair wage to their employees
  • Providing opportunities for employees to get involved in community food initiatives
  • Promoting sustainable and ethical practices through menus and messaging to customers and clients

I need help with food

If you or someone you know is struggling, please visit help and support or contact us so we can put you in touch with the relevant local service.

More information

Arun and Chichester Food Partnership - About our work thumbnail

About our work

Find out more about our work including our vision, mission and aims, local food partners and our community food map.

Arun and Chichester Food Partnership - Food Strategy Thumbnail

Food strategy

Information about the local food strategy for Arun and Chichester including food security, the environment and food for health.

Arun and Chichester Food Partnership - Help with Food Thumbnail

Help with food

Information for people looking for help with food locally and how you can get involved to support our work in Arun and Chichester.

Arun and Chichester Food Partnership - Resources Thumbnail


Read and download reports, documents and research from other providers, including our network partners.

Latest news

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Join the first Arun and Chichester Good Food Fortnight

Join the first Arun and Chichester Good Food Fortnight

The Arun and Chichester Food Partnership are coordinating the first local Good Food Fortnight to take place 20th September – 6th October 2024.  This will be a fortnight of food-related activities and events across the two districts with the aims to:  celebrate local...

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Get involved

Interested in community food growing?

We are looking for people to join the ‘Arun Community Growers’ where we are building a network of like-minded people interested in growing food as part of a team. Visit our Facebook page to find out more.

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Get involved

Sign up for our newsletter

Sign up for our monthly e-newsletter for the latest updates.


Volunteer with a local food partner.

Get growing

Find out about food growing projects near you or how to start your own.

Share your views

Residents of Arun and Chichester, we want to hear from you about what you would like to see happening in your community.

Events and campaigns

Attend an upcoming event or support a local campaign.

Follow us on social media