Good Food Fortnight 2024

Friday 20th September – Sunday 6th October 2024

The Arun and Chichester Food Partnership coordinated the first local Good Food Fortnight which took place 20th September – 6th October 2024.  Thank you to all the organisations, businesses and individuals who participated during the fortnight.

It was a fortnight of food-related activities and events across the two districts with the aims to: 

  • celebrate local organisations that improve access to food and alleviate food poverty 
  • encourage growing, cooking and eating together as a community 
  • spotlight food businesses that champion local, sustainable and affordable food  
  • create connections in the community to individuals, groups and businesses committed to improving the local food system  
  • engage with the wider community through conversations about food and work together to create a good food movement.

We created a programme with 70 listings from a variety of businesses and organisations all working towards creating a better food system for all.

Featured events

Food Conversations Workshops with free shared meal

Join us in Petworth, Chichester City, Bognor or Littlehampton to have your say on what you want from the Government and food industry regarding the food you buy and eat. 

Find full details and dates in the programme and email ASAP or complete this form to register interest. 


Flavoured Porridge Pots Workshop with Refilled Chichester

Sun 22nd Sept 3pm – 4.30pm, Refilled Chichester, 30 North St, PO19 1LX, £15

Additional event to scheduled programme.

Make a porridge pot flavoured with heaps of gut boosting nuts, seeds, spices and dried fruit to take home as well as watching a demo of other flavours for future inspiration. Book here.

Free food growing workshop in Littlehampton

Weds 25th Sept – 2pm – 4pm – Worthing Road Allotments, Worthing Road,  Littlehampton

Join the Arun Community Growers for a hardy greens planting workshop led by Community Gardener Jason Glass. Contact to book.

Food Partnership’s Food Forum: Working Together Towards Good Food For All

Tues 1st Oct, 1pm – 4.30pm, CCDT Community Hall, Donegall Avenue, Roussillon Park, Chichester, PO19 6DF

All groups and businesses working to create a better local food system are invited to join our Food Forum. Hear from inspiring speakers and learn how to join us as members as we work together towards good food for all. Register here.